Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 1353
Country/Region: Caribbean Region
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Harvard University
Main Partner Program: Harvard School of Public Health
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: enumerations.HHS
Total Funding: $2,786,962

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $2,786,962

Results: strengthened monitoring and evaluation of the national ARV program; strengthened human

resource capacity to deliver ARV clinical care services; strengthened linkages to prevention and care

services including "prevention for positives" and PMTCT.

Inputs: The USG will provide financial support to Harvard University including funds to support a Monitoring

and Evaluation (M&E) officer and a Data Management officer within the national ARV program (MASA).

There will be no additional funds provided outside of Track 1 funds.

Activities/Outputs: The M&E officer will develop and implement MASA ARV Therapy Program performance

monitoring and evaluation strategies, and provide management, analytic vision and technical leadership for

M&E. The data manager will be responsible for the collection and storage of data required to help monitor

the National ARV Therapy Program and will develop the national ARV program monitoring database.

Together with the Data Manager they will constitute the M&E team.

Funds will also support one position for a clinical coordinator master trainer to assist the Government of

Botswana to more rapidly scale up sites initiating ARV therapy and escalate building capacity for the

Botswana MASA ARV Therapy Program. The clinical coordinator will develop a master trainer corps within

the health care system and coordinate, supervise and evaluate the nationwide training effort of a team of

master trainer health workers including expanding the role of nurses. Training will be conducted according

to the national KITSO training curriculum.

Outcomes: These activities will strengthen monitoring and evaluation of the National ARV Therapy

Program. They will also increase the number of clinicians knowledgeable in ARV care and treatment and

therefore accelerate the Government's roll out of the ARV program.